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Privacy policy for Skuldra AB and the service Skuldra

Privacy policy for use of personal information

Skuldra is a digital service for att helping debt-budget advisors to collect and use information about people in debts (henceforth called "clients") economy. This privacy policy applies to collection and usage of personal data after clients have signed a power of attourney.

Your personal information is important to us

Your debt-budget advisor at your municipality/city administration collects and uses personal data with help from Skuldra after you as a client have signed a power of attourney. The power of attourney is issued by debt-budget advisors in your municipality or city office. Skuldra cares for you personal integrity and strives for a high level of dataprotection. This privacy policy explains why and how information about you is collected and used for your personal information. It also describes your rights and how you can invoke these. For Skuldra it is important that the personal information you as a client trust to is managed in a careful, responsible, transparent and legal manner.

Who is responsible for the data we collect?

Your municipality/city administration is the personal data manager for Skuldras treatment of your personal data and is responsible for use and treatment is made in accordance with appliable laws.

Skuldra AB är personal data assistant. The personal data assistant is the one who manages personal data on behalf of a personal data manager and is responsible for following the guidelines regarding use and protection of personal data that the personal data manager has decided. We have agreements with all personal data assistans in which the guarantee the safety for all treated personal data and commits to follow the security demands, limitations and demands regarding transfer of personal data.

What is a personal information?

Personal data is any kind of information that can be directly or indirectly attributed to a natural person who is alive. Examples of personal information are name, email address, telephone number and social security number. Pictures and sound recordings are also personal information, although no names are mentioned. Encrypted data and various types of electronic identities (eg IP numbers) are personal data if they can be linked to natural persons.

Where does your personal data come from?

The first source of personal data about you, the data you give your debt-budget advisor and the data your debt-budget advisor collects after signing a power of attourney. Personal data can also be collected from a third party.

Examples of personal data that we collect about you

  • First and last name.
  • Social security number.
  • Gender.
  • Address and contact details.
  • Debt information.
  • Any information you choose to give.


In a cookie it is possible to see/follow a users browsing online. A cookie is a text-file that is saved on you unit so the website can recognize your unit but contains no personal data. There are two types of cookies - permanent and temporary (also called session cookies). Permanent cookies are stored on your unit in a file for a longer period, while session cookies are placed in your unit and only used for the time your'e using the website. Then it's deleted. If you want to know when your unit accepts a cookie, you can change your browser setting to notify you about this. This way you have an oppurtunity to accept or deny a cookie. You can also change your device settings to deny all cookies. In the case you chose not to accept cookies, please know that some functions of our services no longer will work as intended.

How long do we keep the information about you?

Your personal data is only stored as long as there is a need to save it to fulfill the purposes for which the data was collected. Skuldra and your designated debt-budget advisor may save your data for a longer period of time if this is neccessary to comply with legal demands or to protect Skuldras legal interests, i.e. for use in a legal process.

Who can we share your personal information with?

Your personal data will only be shared with those in your municipality/district board that you have given power of attourney to collect this data. All extradition will be made according to law and your personal data will not be used for other purposes than those we have informed you of. Read more under the headline: ”Who is responsible for the data we collect?”

Where do we process your personal information?

We always strive for your personal data to be processed within the EU / EEA and all our own IT systems are located within the EU / EEA. We also strive for personal data to also only be processed by swedish companies or companies within the EU.

Your rights

Under EU data protection law, you as an individual have certain statutory rights in relation to the personal data we handle about you. If you find information about yourself or related persons that you do not wish to be published on Skuldra's website for any reason, we are grateful if you contact us via You also have the right to complain to the national data protection authority, formerly the Data Inspectorate) if you believe that our processing of your personal data does not meet the requirements of EU data protection law.

Access to your personal data: You have the right to access your personal data and how they are processed.

Correction, deletion or restriction: You have the right to correct data that you believe is incorrect. In some cases you also have the right to have your personal data deleted. However, it does not matter if your personal data is still necessary to keep, for example if the law requires that we store the data or if the information is needed to fulfill an agreement we have with you. You also have the right to request that processing of personal data be restricted for a shorter period of time as we investigate possible errors.

Fullmaktens betydelse: Genom fullmakt har du en eller flera skuldrådgivare i uppdrag att företräda dig mot andra, t ex myndigheter och företag.

Data portability: You have the right to data portability, which means that in certain circumstances you have the right to access any personal data about you that you have provided to us, in order for you to be able to transfer the personal data to another personal data controller.


If you wish to exercise any of your statutory rights, please send a written and self-signed request to the address given below. You can also always contact Skuldra through our website if you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal information. Vi besvarar skriftligen till dig på din folkbokföringsadress. You can also contact your municipality/district board for any feedback or complaints about how we manage your personal data by:

Skuldra AB Postal Address:
113 66 Stockholm